Posts tagged client success
Client Success Story: Sheila S.

“Exercise has always been a part of my life.  I have always had the discipline to workout or get to the gym at least 3 to 4 days a week, but I have not had the discipline to eat healthy all the time.   I thought as long as I work out or get to the gym, I can eat what I want. So, I most often did, sometimes even coming home from the gym I would have Taco Bell waiting for me.  Over the past year I had been feeling discouraged about where I was at weight wise, and for my age and for the amount I exercise weekly. I weighed more than I ever have in my life.  Most everyone tried to make me feel better by saying muscle weighs more than fat.  

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Client Success Story: Madison H.

"I came to Madison (name twin!) in January of 2019 after following her Instagram page for quite a bit of time. A little back story on me: I grew up as a very serious dancer, dancing ballet 6 days per week in high school and being a member of the varsity dance team in college. I rarely spent much time on my own in the gym or thinking about exercise. My junior year of college, I had surgery to repair a torn hip labrum. It was roughly 4-6 months before I could return to dancing/exercise completely and I gained some unwanted weight. Even though I made it back close to what had been “my norm” during my senior year, post-grad brought on a whole slew of changes. Nobody tells you what happens to your body as you approach your mid-twenties and your metabolism just can’t keep up like it used to. After college, I struggled with maintaining a consistent and effective workout routine that I enjoyed. I was constantly discouraged that I wasn’t seeing changes in my physique that I thought I would be. After about a year and a half of this, I found Madz.”

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Client Success Story: Amber F.

" In January of 2015, I remember looking at a picture of myself with my family we took New Year’s Eve and was completely shocked at just how much weight I had put on. It was then that I knew I had to do something different. I started eating clean, drinking a lot of water, and exercising a lot. I was able to drop significant weight and inches and felt amazing. That same year, I got pregnant with my now three-year-old son and had him July of 2016. Of course, with having a baby, I gained weight and endured a lot of physical, mental, and emotional changes. My body was not quite bouncing back to Crossfit workouts as quickly as I would have liked. My times were slower, my weights were lower, my stamina had diminished. Simply put, I was struggling, felt defeated, and resorted back to unhealthy eating habits and sweet tea consumption. Despite defeat, I continued working out but was not losing any weight. What I was failing to see was that I could not outwork my poor nutrition. 

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Client Success Story: Laura D.

"Fitness has been a part of my life, in one way or another, for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I loved running around outside, riding my bike and playing on various sports teams throughout middle school and high school. I always loved playing sports and being on a court or field felt like home. However, despite all my time spent practicing or playing in games, I had almost no knowledge about fitness; I was lucky enough to be “fit” by default. Nutrition and conditioning were never taught to me; my gym didn’t even have a weight room in high school. When high school ended and my routine changed, I had no idea what to do with myself and how to effectively use my time.

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Client Success Story: Lauren S.

"I’ve always had trouble sticking to any workout program or “diet”, and have always had a weight issue. I’ve done Jenny Craig, beach body, Kayla’s Sweat workouts, and just counting calories. Nothing has ever stuck and the weight always came back. I finally decided to try Muscles by Madz after my SIL recommended her MONTHS prior to doing it. My brothers wedding was 12 weeks away and I was Maid of Honor so I needed to be happy in the dress standing next to the bride and groom.

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Client Success Story: Danielle B.

“Reaching out to Madison to prepare for an upcoming audition was one of the best choices I have ever made! I felt more prepared and more confident than ever before and I can honestly say most of that was from working with Madison. It was extremely hard for me to swallow my pride and admit that I wasn't able to change my lifestyle on my own. I had been struggling to tone up some trouble spots and thought I was making healthy choices, but I wasn't seeing results.

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Client Success Story: Madeline S.

“I have always considered myself to be fairly fit. I was a competitive gymnast in high school, and during that time I could “eat whatever I wanted” and still be at the top of my game. But, my inconsistency with eating a healthy diet through my teen years led to a very unhealthy cycle of eating through college and then into my adult life – eating “healthy” for a few weeks, and then eating all the treats and tasty foods with the mentality, “I earned this,” followed by guilt.

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Client Success Story: Eric H.

“About 2 ½ years ago my wife and I tried Crossfit for the first time. My wife had already run a marathon and had been quite active. Me, not so much. We kept going back though and I started to see some results. I didn’t change my diet however and eventually got to a point where I plateaued.

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Client Success Story: Susie H.

“I never gave much thought to how I ate or if I exercised -- until I saw a photo of myself.  What a shock!

That's when I knew something had to change -- so I started running to get in shape.  I have since run a handful of 5K's, some 10K's, a half and a full marathon -- but the scale wasn't moving the way I wanted it to….

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Madison Wrightclient success
Client Success Story: Deac

About a year ago my sugars were pretty high. I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. I didn’t take it very seriously even though I should have. We all know the record between large black males vs diabetes, it ain’t great. My father has diabetes and has lost a leg and a few toes from the other foot so you can imagine what could be in store for me if I don’t make some change.

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